methodology, diagnostics, strategic management, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, motivation, trustAbstract
The article examines the current issues of strategic knowledge management, its structure, tasks and key practices. The purpose of the article is to formalize the author's methodological approach to diagnosing one of the most important practices of strategic knowledge management - knowledge sharing.
The author defines the content of the concept of strategic knowledge management as a set of managerial actions to develop and implement a corporate knowledge management strategy. The main tasks of strategic knowledge management are formulated, among which the task of diagnosing the processes and practices of knowledge management at all organizational levels is separately considered.
Using the method of multicriteria bibliometric analysis of publications on knowledge management, the article determines that the key practice of strategic knowledge management is knowledge sharing among employees of an organization. It was found that in scientific research in this area, published during the period 2016-2019, 36% of publications are devoted to the problems of knowledge exchange and transfer, trust and organizational learning. This indicates the primary importance of knowledge exchange processes in strategic knowledge management.
The author's own methodological approach to diagnosing the knowledge sharing environment as a key practice of strategic knowledge management is proposed. An algorithm of the diagnostic procedure has been formed, which includes three steps in assessing the knowledge sharing environment: diagnostics of structure, space and organizational culture.
The suitability of the structure for knowledge sharing is assessed by the criteria of the ratio of flexibility and organizational bureaucracy, the ability to implement project management principles, create temporary project teams and working groups, and the availability of formal and informal communication practices.
The physical space is evaluated by the criteria of its barrier-free accessibility, the availability of an Open Space office, rooms for situational formal and informal communication, coworking, and recreation. The interactive communication space is assessed by the criterion of using IT technologies for online communication and knowledge exchange.
The criteria for diagnosing the culture of knowledge sharing should be considered the triad of ideology-guidelines-management actions, which determine the status of knowledge in the company's value system, trust in the expert knowledge of each employee and encouragement of employees to openly share knowledge through a system of rewards and incentives.
The proposed methodological approach was tested using the method of case analysis and interviews with representatives of well-known Ukrainian companies, and conclusions were drawn regarding the acceptability and directions for improving the algorithm for diagnosing knowledge sharing practices in strategic knowledge management.