image, branding, statistical evaluation, transport and logistics businessAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the image of the national economy and individual company brands, statistical evaluation of image levels and the characterization of their impact on the development of the transport and logistics business. The definitions of the concepts of "image of the national economy", "image of the company", "statistical assessment of the image level" are given. The impact of the image on the competitiveness and attractiveness of the national economy is characterized through branding, which is a component of marketing technologies. It is proved that branding helps to attract foreign investment, develop exports, increase the number of tourists and raise the sense of pride in the country's citizens. It has also been proven that the development of branding stimulates the development of the transport and logistics business. The ways of developing national branding are outlined. The classification of brands according to the Brand Strength Index is characterized. The dynamics of the value of the national brand of Ukraine and the top of the most expensive brands of Ukrainian companies are studied. It is proved that Ukraine needs to continue to work on the development of its brands, which implies constant monitoring of public opinion, market research and the introduction of necessary adjustments to marketing strategies. All of this will have a positive impact on the development of the transport and logistics business.
In the context of the ongoing war, the need for the development of the transport and logistics sector has become more pressing, which is interrelated with the level of image of the national economy and brands of Ukrainian companies. Statistical assessment of the level of image of the national economy and brands of Ukrainian companies consists in collecting and analyzing data that characterize the image of Ukraine and its companies in the eyes of the international community. These are data from public opinion polls, media data, social networks.
The formation of a brand-oriented national economy is a process of creating a system of brands that meet European standards of quality and perception. These brands should be the result of the modernization of the national economy, standardization of production, improvement of the quality of management, production culture and external communications of the manufacturer with the consumer.
The modernization of the national economy should be focused on technological development not only of industry, but also of other spheres of social development, as well as of government bodies and local self-government. This process will allow to achieve intersectoral synergy, which will ensure economic independence and security, which is so important now for Ukraine.
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