



HR engineering, competent approach, HR industry, personnel management, diagnostics


The article diagnoses the competency approach and its impact on improving the company's HR engineering system. The tools of the competence approach and the process of their application were studied. HR engineering must be applied at all levels of personnel management, and a competent approach must be used for its successful implementation. In the last few years, under the influence of the corona crisis, the economic and social situation in the country has been quite changeable, and with the beginning of martial law, it has become even more turbulent. All these factors became a fundamental impetus for the transformation of the HR industry and the adaptation of HR engineering to new conditions. A cycle of personnel competency diagnostics is proposed.

The importance of the competence approach in HR engineering of the enterprise is determined. Approaches to the assessment of competencies are proposed. A number of advantages of applying the competency-based approach in the process of improving HR-engineering of personnel are highlighted.

Diagnostics of the competence approach in the system of improvement of HR-engineering of personnel is a continuous process during which knowledge and skills are constantly modified. This is especially important in today's dynamic, rapidly changing world. The ability to understand current opportunities and develop new ones is critical to staying one step ahead.


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How to Cite

Hlushko Т., Volianska-Savchuk Л., Koshonko О., & Олександр. (2022). DIAGNOSTICS OF THE COMPETENCE APPROACH IN THE SYSTEM OF IMPROVING HR ENGINEERING OF THE ENTERPRISE. MODELING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, (3), 102–108. https://doi.org/10.31891/mdes/2022-5-14