


brand, branding, territorial marketing, territorial competition, resources, tourism


In today's world, along with personal and corporate brands, the concept of "territory brand" has recently become of paramount importance. The rivalry of cities, regions and countries for resources transforms them from geographical units into full-fledged goods that have their value, properties, value. Therefore, there is a need in the territories to have a great identity and be able to tell about it. Now the mobility of people, capital and ideas in the world is more intense than ever, so only with well-thought-out territorial marketing and branding territorial communities have the opportunity to compete with dignity for resources, investment, residents and partners. Territories compete for the most attractive living and doing business. In fact, the global territory market is in the process of being actively formed: those territories that are the first to use branding philosophy and tools for positioning and promotion will have a competitive advantage over those territories that do not pay due attention to their attractiveness. Forming a brand of the territory involves managing its creation and promotion, the presence of the customer, a qualified team of developers, information and financial resources, a clear technical task, a program to create and promote the brand, monitoring its effectiveness, determining the mechanism of its support and development


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How to Cite

Kalinichenko С., Spodar К., Gribinyk А., Kholodok В., & Lagodiienko В. (2022). PECULIARITIES OF TERRITORY BRANDING FORMATION. MODELING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, (3), 87–91.