personnel development, innovative activity, innovatively active enterprise, personnel development management, self-development of personnelAbstract
Personnel development is a complex economic concept, which is proposed to be understood as the management activities of the enterprise, which involves the formation and increase of quality professional, social, personal characteristics of staff to ensure the current and strategic goals of the enterprise. In addition, staff development is a process consisting of a series of successive stages.
In the structure of personnel development of the enterprise it is expedient to separate professional, social, personal directions which have various tasks, and at the same time are elements of a uniform complex of actions having common methods of realization of tasks. The basis of development is professional development, which is proposed to understand the process of formation and increase of professional potential of employees of the enterprise, due to the acquisition of qualitatively new characteristics for the maximum realization of human abilities in professional activities.
The concepts of «innovation», «innovation process», «innovation development», «innovation» and «innovation potential» are interrelated, and the nature of the relationship between them is proposed to establish taking into account the strategic nature of innovation, the need for staff development and motivation to achieving the innovative goals of the enterprise, and the importance of using an open approach in organizing the innovation process.
One of the most common features of innovation classifications is the type of innovation, which allows to distinguish product innovations, process innovations, marketing innovations and organizational innovations. The analysis revealed that there are different approaches to the classification of innovations. However, taking into account development trends and acute problems of society, it is proposed to supplement the existing classification of innovations with another classification feature according to the degree of social responsibility, according to which to separate responsible innovations from traditional innovations.
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