efficiency of energy security, security system, energy security, methodical approaches, security level regulationAbstract
The problem of "systematicity" of the criteria for the safety of the gas sector in Ukraine was considered, where it was necessary to substantiate and analyze the essential content of each of the clearly defined criteria in the structure of the systematicity and generality of the approach, which include: Regarding the first criterion of safety, which meaningfully concerns the issues of elimination obstacles and shortage of gas resources with further supply on the industry market - stimulation of the activities of subsurface developers; With regard to the 2nd criterion of compliance with energy security: ensuring free access by all participants of the gas market to the resource of JSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" and promoting compliance with competitive mechanisms - accumulation and activation of efforts to cooperate with foreign partners in the direction of the development of underground gas infrastructure; increasing gas production and drilling new wells by involving independent entities; formation of electronic auctions regarding the free access of entities that can conduct geoexploration work on drilling wells and other activities aimed at increasing gas production; The 3rd criterion for achieving the energy security of the gas sector in the direction of transparent regulation of the activity of the National Energy Regulatory Commission of Ukraine with further non-discriminatory functioning of the gas market and objective tariff formation is to introduce the informative system "electronic passport of the licensee" and the mobile application "Energy Online". The 4th criterion for the availability of energy security in the gas sector provides - strengthening the role of regulating the activities of gas market entities through monitoring, licensing, and control by the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in energy and communal services. 5th criterion: application of new forms of organization of relations between important components of innovative development of production, educational and scientific space, and information - development and implementation of the appropriate regulatory and legislative framework, which involves clarifying several conditions regarding the definition of directions, mechanisms, and tools of state support of the system partnership relations between scientific, educational and industrial (specialized) institutions; development of innovation-venture-type infrastructure by introducing the activities of network business incubators, innovation laboratories, etc., which are designed to combine the interests of academic, industry and university science, as well as on this basis, the everyday use of scientific, scientific-technical and educational-production competences. Criterion 6 provides for an increase in own production of natural gas, as well as exploration and production of gas. Considering question 7 of the criterion of the security of the gas sector, it should be noted that varying forms of the combination of state and market
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