entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, entrepreneurial subjects, micro-entrepreneurship, employmentAbstract
In the article are considered basic indexes and factors of development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The dynamic changes of indexes of entrepreneurship are analysed in the cut of quantitative composition of operating subjects of menage, volumes of realization of products and amount of the employed workers. On the basis of the research, it was established that in recent years, the quantitative composition of active business entities in Ukraine has actually remained unchanged. In the structure of business entities, the share of individual entrepreneurs prevails. Their number exceeds the number of enterprises four times. It was determined that the main form of economic activity by business entities is micro-entrepreneurship. It is noted that 96% of all business entities operate in this area. It was established that the main type of economic activity for most business entities is wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. More than 88% of individual entrepreneurs are engaged in this type of activity.
Attention is focused on the number of employed workers in the field of entrepreneurship. The problem of shadow employment of employees in the field of entrepreneurship is emphasized. It is noted that the existing problem affects not only the state's lack of funds, but also the creation of competitive conditions in the field of entrepreneurial activity. In order to minimize the level of shadowing, it is proposed to create favorable conditions for the transition of business entities to the formal sector, in which the benefits would exceed the costs, both in terms of time and money.
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