branding, image, marketing technologies, sports and health activities, marketingAbstract
Scientists increasingly consider sports and health activities as an area of the economy that should bring appropriate profits to business entities and the state. Constant global challenges (coronavirus pandemic, escalation of hostilities) lead to the fact that sports and health activities suffer from a decrease in state funding and a need for self-financing and the search for additional resources for its further development. Private business is ready to invest financial resources in the development of sports and health activities. That is why developing and applying appropriate marketing strategies for developing sports and health activities will allow quickly conquering the market of such services. The use of marketing tools (branding) will allow expanding the market of sports and health activities, not only in a separate territory but also in Ukraine as a whole and beyond. Accordingly, branding management of sports and health activities is very relevant research.
The article's purpose is to study the management of sports and health activities based on branding.
The prospects and advantages of managing sports and health activities based on branding have been studied. It was determined that the main characteristics of brands of enterprises that provide sports and health services include: value, distinctive features, and getting to know each other. It is noted that these characteristics are the most special for consumers of sports and health services. Furthermore, it has been proven that the main components of a brand of sports and health activities include: logo and color. Note that the logo is the most recognizable element of the brand, and the color should be chosen based not on personal preferences.
It was revealed that the primary sources of use of the brand by sports and health facilities include
- websites,
- social networks,
- advertising and informational materials,
- the premises of the sports and health facility (the most visible place) and related goods (paraphernalia).
The identified negative factors inhibiting the development of the brand of sports and health services include
- lack of marketing skills and management personnel,
- lack of financial resources for the use of marketing tools,
- imperfect legislation on the protection of trademarks.
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