innovation-oriented socio-economic system, modelingAbstract
The article is devoted to studying socio-economic systems as objects of modeling in the context of their innovation vector of development. The characteristic features of innovation-oriented socio-economic systems are given. The hierarchy of socio-economic systems is considered. The practicality of using the tools of economic and mathematical modeling to describe such systems is aimed at determining the state and trajectories of their development in conditions of information uncertainty and potential threats and risks. An analysis of the approaches of scientists to the study of innovation-oriented socio-economic systems from the highest hierarchical level of the innovation-oriented economy to the level of individual business entities. Features of the description of such systems at each level of the hierarchy are established, stages of their development are generalized, and processes and the essential economic functions providing efficiency of innovations are defined. The analysis of approaches to modeling innovation-oriented socio-economic systems has determined the dominant influence of the intellectual component of their potential on the implementation of innovations. It was found that foreign researchers mainly focus their research on using survey methods with the further generalization of the information obtained and the formulation of conclusions, which somewhat narrows their practical value and the possibility of transferring to other types of systems. Emphasis is also placed on focusing innovation on competitors and consumers in developing development strategies.
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