financial and economic security, strategy, enterprisesAbstract
It is well known that marketing often plays a decisive role in ensuring the successful operation of enterprises. In modern business conditions, the formation and implementation of marketing development strategies is the basis for the effective operation of industrial enterprises. The turbulence of changes in the environment of functioning of domestic enterprises has necessitated additional research into the formation of marketing strategies for the development of industrial enterprises, taking into account financial and economic security.
The issues of formation and implementation of marketing strategies for the development of industrial enterprises as the basis for maintaining their financial and economic security remain insufficiently researched. In modern realities, the formation and implementation of an effective marketing strategy is one of the important factors that directly affects the overall financial and economic security of industrial enterprises. Only with the right approach to the formation of marketing development strategies, taking into account the aspects of ensuring financial and economic security, domestic industrial enterprises will be able to ensure effective operation and further economic development.
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