profit, profit management, enterprise profit management mechanism, profit management systemAbstract
The theoretical bases of construction of the profit management mechanism of the enterprise are researched in the article. It is substantiated that despite the fact that the management of profit formation of the enterprise is integrated into the general system of profit management, it is a separate object of management, which has its own specific features. Based on the generalization of the opinions of prominent scholars to practitioners, the author's definition of the concepts of "enterprise profit management" and "enterprise profit management mechanism" was formed. It is proved that the developed mechanism of enterprise profit management is a modern and effective integrated management technology, the use of which allows for an effective process of profit management, which contributes to sustainable economic development of economic entities in the long run. It is substantiated that the structure of the enterprise profit management mechanism is formed from a set of interconnected profit management subsystems: organizational subsystem, support subsystem, profit management procedures, monitoring and optimization of control. The main elements of this mechanism have been developed and described in detail. The interrelation between methods and levers of this mechanism is shown, according to the principle of conformity of methods of management of levers of their action in the course of realization of procedures of management of profit of the enterprise. The basis for building a comprehensive and integrated structure of the profit management mechanism of the enterprise should be a functional-resource approach, as it forms a rational basis for ensuring the effective functioning of the profit management mechanism in the long run.
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