agricultural companies, business strategy, sustainable development, agrarian business, agrarian sector, personnel, training, coachingAbstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the content and characteristics of coaching as a modern tool for implementing the corporate business strategy of sustainable development of agricultural companies.
The research is based on the dialectical method of cognition of processes and phenomena, in particular, the monographic method (in identifying current trends and research of scientific achievements of domestic and foreign science and practice of personnel training), comparative (in assessing costs and forms of personnel training), abstract-logical method (theoretical and methodological generalizations, substantiation of conclusions), which were used in determining the characteristics and role of coaching as a tool of business strategy for sustainable development of agricultural companies.
The essence, types, and functions of coaching as a tool for personnel management of companies are studied. The world and domestic experience of personnel training is studied. The role and characteristic features of coaching in the system of implementation of the principles of sustainable development in the activities of agricultural companies are determined. The purpose, tasks, and key principles of coaching as a tool of corporate business strategy of sustainable development of agricultural companies are substantiated.
The author's interpretation of the essence of the corporate business strategy of sustainable agribusiness development is substantiated. A model of coaching in staff training is proposed under the conditions of implementation of corporate business strategy of sustainable development of agricultural companies.
The results of the study allow to improve the personnel policy of domestic agricultural companies on the basis of using the benefits of coaching as a promising tool for implementing a business strategy for sustainable development of agribusiness.
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