model, personnel, monitoring, personnel utilization, monitoring of personnel utilization, model of development of monitoring of personnel utilization, effectiveness, areas of monitoring, market environment, enterprisesAbstract
Based on the results of the study of the state of utilization of employees, their educational and qualification level, and the peculiarities of financial and economic activities of industrial enterprises, it is determined that there are numerous problems that need to be addressed. It is proved that an important issue that needs to be addressed is the lack of a modern system for monitoring the state of personnel utilization at many industrial enterprises, i.e., personnel policy, employee management, corporate culture, application of motivation methods, and timeliness of tasks. It is established that enterprises should apply a system for monitoring the use of personnel, which will systematize this process, improve its quality, and form a database for developing recommendations. It has been found that many approaches to monitoring are labor-intensive, require funding, and are not adapted to the specifics of enterprises. Based on the results of the study, the author has improved the model for the development of monitoring of personnel utilization at industrial enterprises, the use of which will allow implementing a monitoring system and improving this process. The implementation of the model will make it possible to develop and improve the system of monitoring the use of personnel by following a set of interrelated stages, applying modern approaches to its implementation, which will allow observing the performance of employees, developing measures to improve the efficiency of their use, overcoming existing problems, and taking into account the impact of market environment factors. It is determined that the application of the development model for monitoring the use of personnel will not only improve the use of employees, but will also contribute to the growth of financial indicators, results of financial and economic activities of industrial enterprises in the long term.
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