socio-economic systems, innovative development, directions and scenarios of functioning strategiesAbstract
Based on previous studies of the problems of the functioning of innovation-oriented socio-economic systems, taking into account the tasks that are solved by the structural elements of these systems, the directions and methods of solving the existing problems of their innovative activity are proposed. At present, there is no integrated innovative national system, which would be based on a normative-legal and structural-scenario basis, to increase the effective national production of innovative competitive products, the introduction of innovative technologies in all spheres of innovative activity. In order to ensure and achieve the set goal, program measures should be implemented in Ukraine regarding: creation of a favorable regulatory and legal field for socio-economic systems that carry out innovative activities, development of innovative infrastructure, consulting structures, with the involvement of specialists from technologically developed countries, improvement of educational the level of qualified personnel who have and are able to engage in innovative activities in socio-economic systems. It has been proven that the scenarios for ensuring such activity of socio-economic systems should be based on defined directions and methods of solving existing problems both at the macro- and micro-economic levels of their functioning. The scenario approach in providing strategies for the development of innovation-oriented systems is aimed at their recovery as soon as possible in the post-war period. The introduction of four stages of implementation of innovative activities of socio-economic systems, each of which has four separate scenarios, will allow choosing the most realistic one, based on the objectively established stage of their development. Activation of the creation and implementation of innovations must be provided with full stimulating factors and motivation of socio-economic systems from the state.
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