demographic changes, fertility, mortality, migration, refugees, war, impact on population, forecasting, UkraineAbstract
This research aims to analyze demographic changes and the impact of Russian aggression on the population of Ukraine in the context of war. Utilizing demographic trend analysis, the study assesses the impact of hostilities on the number of refugees, changes in population structure, and potential consequences for different age groups. Based on data from official sources, the study considers several scenarios to predict possible changes in the size and composition of Ukraine's population. Particular attention is paid to the dynamics of the age structure, gender composition, birth and death rates, and migration flows. By analyzing these aspects, the study aims to reveal the possible risks and challenges facing Ukrainian society in the wake of the crisis and military conflict. In particular, it highlights the change in the dynamics of births and deaths in the context of war, as well as possible consequences for the health and social well-being of the population.
In addition, the study adheres to a gender approach, taking into account the specifics of the impact of hostilities on women, men and children. In addition to analyzing internal demographic processes, the study also pays attention to migration trends, including emigration, immigration, and internal migration as a result of the war. This helps to understand the dynamics of changes in the geographical distribution of the population and possible prospects for the recovery and development of different regions of Ukraine.
Overall, the study emphasizes the importance of rebuilding the country and creating conditions for the return of refugees in the future. It is noted that the successful reintegration of refugees and the restoration of the country's socio-economic potential are key conditions for ensuring the stability and development of Ukraine in the post-war period.
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