



генеративний ШІ, впровадження в підприємствах, стратегічна інтеграція, генеративні змагальні мережі (GANs), генеративні попередньо навчені трансформери (GPT), інновації на основі ШІ, бізнес-трансформація, виклики впровадження ШІ, рамки впровадження технологій, ШІ в бізнес-операціях


Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving subset of AI technologies that involves creating new content, such as text, images, and audio, using algorithms trained on large datasets. Well-known examples of generative AI technologies include Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT). These innovations are increasingly being integrated into various business applications, from automating content creation and enhancing customer interactions to driving product development and innovation. The importance of generative AI in a business context lies in its potential to augment human creativity, improve operational efficiency, and unlock new business opportunities, making it a critical tool for enterprises aiming to maintain a competitive edge in the digital age.

Despite its transformational potential, the implementation of generative AI in businesses faces significant challenges. High implementation costs, the complexity of integrating AI systems into existing infrastructures, a shortage of skilled specialists, and ethical issues related to data privacy and AI-generated content are among the primary obstacles. Additionally, businesses often struggle to align AI initiatives with their strategic goals and ensure that AI outputs meet high standards of quality and compliance. These barriers complicate the large-scale and effective adoption of generative AI, limiting its potential to revolutionize business operations and innovation.

The research encompasses a comprehensive review of existing literature, analysis of real-world cases, and synthesis of best practices in the strategic implementation of generative AI. It explores strategic models for the deployment of generative AI in enterprises, identifies key drivers and barriers to its adoption in business environments, and examines the strategic approaches businesses use to integrate generative AI into their operations. Insights and recommendations are provided for enterprises considering the adoption of generative AI technologies. The importance of the research lies in its potential to help businesses overcome implementation challenges and maximize the benefits of generative AI. Understanding strategic models and approaches to AI integration will enable businesses to better navigate the complexities of AI deployment, enhance their innovative capabilities, and ensure sustainable growth in an increasingly competitive market. The conclusions drawn from the research aim to bridge the gap between theoretical insights and practical applications of generative AI, providing a valuable resource for business leaders, technology strategists, and policymakers seeking to leverage AI for competitive advantage.


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