energy security, international cooperation, energy resources, energy efficiency, diversification of supply sources, European integration processesAbstract
This article is devoted to the analysis of the current state and prospects of Ukraine's international cooperation in the field of energy security. Firstly, Ukraine, as a country with significant energy resources and transit potential, is an important participant in the global energy market. The stability and security of Ukraine's energy sector have a direct impact on the stability of the overall energy market. Secondly, Ukraine has experienced a series of crises related to energy security, including the war with Russia, which seriously affects the country's economy and political situation. This war underscores the importance of active international cooperation in the field of energy security to ensure stability and reliability of energy resource supply. Thirdly, the increasing global demand for energy and changes in the energy policies of countries aiming to reduce dependence on hydrocarbons and transition to renewable energy sources create new challenges and opportunities for Ukraine. Addressing these issues requires in-depth analysis and joint actions on an international scale. Research into international cooperation in the field of energy security for Ukraine is defined by the need to ensure stability of the country's energy sector, reduce risks of energy crises, and promote its integration into the global energy space.
The article provides an overview of existing international agreements and treaties in which Ukraine participates, evaluates the effectiveness of international cooperation mechanisms, and identifies potential advantages and disadvantages of existing cooperation. Additionally, it extensively examines Ukraine's geopolitical position and its energy interests, including interactions with neighboring and strategically important countries. Based on the analysis, recommendations are provided for further actions to ensure the country's energy security through international cooperation. This article is aimed at energy industry professionals, researchers, and the business and public community interested in Ukraine's energy security and international cooperation in this field.
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