planning, tourism, strategic planning, managementAbstract
The main direction of strategic development of tourism enterprises is to focus on planning activities taking into account changes in the market of tourism services and in the socio-economic environment in general. It is this planning that allows tourism enterprises to combine the overall development strategy with the availability of real and potential opportunities for its implementation, taking into account the threats that may arise in the market. To develop and implement a strategy, it is important to analyze market factors, which due to their constant and high variability can directly affect the success or failure of the enterprise. Scientific and practical approaches to planning in a market economy need to be reviewed. We cannot reject planning as an ideological approach of the past and equate planning with planting our state, under the guise of planning, an inefficient path of development. Models for forecasting the development of the tourism market allow us to determine the new structure of the tourism market depending on the elasticity of the reaction of tourists and the hierarchy of their needs in the context of market factors. The implementation of such models can ensure the development of the tourism sector by establishing and maintaining a balance between the preservation of natural and historical and cultural resources, creating favorable conditions for the formation of a quality tourism product.
In modern economic conditions, all participants in market relations independently plan their activities on the basis of market demand, rational use of available resources, the desire to obtain the maximum amount of profit. At the same time in practice the company uses different types of plans. In a difficult financial situation, planning is an important factor in saving resources and allows you to effectively use investment income. Most success-oriented managers are committed to the concept of in-house planning. They try to do everything possible to plan the life of the enterprise
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