


management, martial law, restoration, university, relocation


The effective functioning of higher education institutions in conditions of martial law is the outcome of the synergy among various indicators, including the strategic planning system for the development of universities, the allocation of powers, responsibilities, and duties among managers and employees, self-assessment of quality management, and the incorporation of successful management practices to develop the potential of higher education institutions.

Given the turbulence of wartime, universities are developing and implementing functional medium-term development strategies. These strategies aim to establish secure conditions for learning and teaching, formulating and implementing quality management solutions based on effective management models and organizational structures, providing psychological support for students and employees, restoring educational infrastructure in the near future, preserving stable development in the educational space, and forming a competitive position for the university in the global scientific and educational field. Additionally, universities are undergoing continuous reform and quality transformation at all levels, making unplanned changes to internal regulatory documents, and more.

The management of universities during war and post-war periods has undergone significant changes and required adaptation to new conditions. Management takes into account key aspects affecting the effectiveness of university management measures during these periods. These aspects include security measures and anti-crisis management, planning for the evacuation and resettlement of students, staff, and essential equipment in the event of an escalation of conflict, leveraging technology to provide online learning and remote work opportunities, rational use of resources, and developing strategies for financial stability during martial law. Other considerations involve determining the extent of damage and the need to restore university infrastructure, searching for financial resources to restore damaged buildings and equipment, introducing social and psychological support programs for students and staff who have suffered losses or experienced stress, adapting educational programs to new realities and the requirements of the labour market during post-war recovery, participating in international programs and projects for recovery and development, launching innovative programs and research to promote development and competitiveness, and establishing partnerships with the local community for interaction and mutual support. All these efforts involve active interaction with the entire university community and external stakeholders.


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