passengers, railway transport, internet surveys, online surveys, service quality, data analysis, semantic analysis, profitabilityAbstract
As online surveys become more integrated into the fabric of railway operations, their role in shaping future profitability becomes increasingly significant. By harnessing the insights gleaned from a larger pool of passenger feedback, railways can anticipate evolving preferences and tailor their services accordingly, thus enhancing overall satisfaction and loyalty. This proactive engagement not only secures a competitive edge in the market but also positions railways to capitalize on emerging trends and opportunities, ultimately driving sustained profitability in passenger transportation for years to come.
The article discusses the methodology of using online surveys to gather feedback from railway passengers regarding the quality of services provided at each stage of their journey – before, during, and after the trip, as well as approaches to analyzing and utilizing the obtained data to improve the quality of service in railway transportation. Online survey tools, such as Google Forms, are considered a convenient and effective means of collecting data, allowing for the quick and cost-free creation of questionnaires and analysis of results while ensuring the confidentiality of passengers’ responses.
It is determined that the use of internet surveys of railway passengers enables the acquisition of all necessary information in real-time. The implementation of the proposed measures is found to positively impact the competitiveness and profitability of railway passenger transportation. The article describes the process of analyzing passengers’ ratings, which includes data collection, semantic analysis, identification of problematic situations, and development of quality management strategies, enabling effective response to the needs of railway passengers and maintaining high service standards.
In the context of a state wartime conditions, the relevance of online surveys in the railway sector becomes even more pronounced. Amidst challenges such as restricted mobility and heightened security concerns, maintaining efficient and customer-centric railway operations is crucial. Online surveys provide a vital mechanism for gathering feedback, enabling rapid adjustments to service delivery to meet evolving needs and priorities during times of crisis. By leveraging these tools effectively, railways can not only ensure the continuity of essential transportation services but also contribute to the overall resilience and effectiveness of national infrastructure in times of uncertainty and upheaval.
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