agrarian clusters, globalization, innovative development, competitiveness, sustainable development, state policyAbstract
This article examines the role of the state in the formation and maintenance of agricultural clusters in Ukraine, highlighting various aspects of economic policy, including legislative regulation, tax policy, innovation support, infrastructure development, training and skills development, international cooperation, and private sector involvement. Analyzing the current state and initiatives in these areas, the article provides insight into the current challenges and opportunities that Ukraine faces in the context of economic development and integration into the world economy. Special attention is paid to the impact of these policies on the agricultural sector, which is key to the country's economy. The conclusions and recommendations given in the article can be useful for politicians, experts in the field of agrarian economy and researchers interested in the development of agrarian clusters and economic growth of Ukraine. The article also examines the issue of Ukraine's adaptation to the changing conditions of the globalized world, in particular through the introduction of innovative technologies and practices in the agricultural sector. It is analyzed how the development of technologies and the strengthening of international relations can contribute to the improvement of the quality of products and the efficiency of agricultural production. The article pays special attention to the importance of education and professional development in the field of agribusiness, which is a decisive factor in increasing the competitiveness and innovative activity of the agricultural sector. Possibilities and prospects of introducing new educational programs and courses aimed at developing skills and competencies needed in modern agricultural production are considered. The article concludes with conclusions and recommendations for further research that could contribute to the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, in particular through integration with international markets, improvement of the legislative framework and investment attraction. The need for further analysis and study of global trends and their impact on the agricultural sector of Ukraine is emphasized, which opens the way for innovative development and sustainable economic growth.
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