agro-industrial production, institutional changes, agro-industrial integration, clustering, strategic developmentAbstract
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the conceptual foundations of the formation of an institutional environment for the strategic development of agro-industrial production in Ukraine on the basis of the creation of agro-industrial clusters. The peculiarities of the functioning of Ukraine's agricultural economy have been determined. The problems of the interaction of the agricultural and industrial sectors of the economy were considered. It was established that to improve the efficiency of agricultural production, more is needed to improve technological processes and use the reserves of processing production. It is justified that it is necessary to review the relations between enterprises of the agrarian and industrial spheres to stimulate structural changes in the complex on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation between enterprises to ensure sustainable development. These processes should take place on the basis of deepening the integration of agricultural and industrial production. The integration of industry and agricultural production of raw materials can be carried out in various forms, but the most effective form of integration can be considered an agro-industrial cluster. Six stages of strategic planning and implementation of the cluster development program are identified, including assessment of the prerequisites for decision-making regarding the diversification strategy; cause-and-effect analysis of economic activity of enterprises; decision-making regarding the possibility and expediency of cooperation of subjects; definition of the goal, mission, objects of cooperation; development of a program for the creation and development of national integrated agricultural and industrial formations - clusters; implementation, coordination and control of the development strategy. The main principles on which the state economic policy should be based concerning the development of agro-industrial production are defined. The structural elements of the state program for the development of agro-industrial production are defined and characterized, which include legal measures, organizational measures, financial and economic measures, production and technical measures, and social measures.
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