enterprise, economic security, threat, risk, managementAbstract
The article reveals the economic essence and highlights the peculiarities of formation of the system of economic security of hotel and restaurant business enterprises. It is proposed that the economic security of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant business should be understood as the ability of enterprises of this type of economic activity to protect their activities from the negative impacts of the external and internal environment of operation, while eliminating various threats and neutralizing risks. It is found that the system of economic security of hotel and restaurant business enterprises is a structured process of strategic, tactical and operational measures aimed at protecting enterprises in this sphere from external and internal threats and risks and forming their unique capabilities to withstand threats in the future. It is found that in order to determine the impact of threats and risks on the activities of hotel and restaurant business enterprises, it is necessary to develop a business development plan in advance and to foresee threats and risks that may arise in the process of making management decisions. The author develops a system of economic security of hotel and restaurant business enterprises and determines that this system is based on such goals as protection of the financial and material production base, protection of the information and legal base, protection of intellectual and human resources, and protection of the technical and technological base.
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