enterprise capital, enterprise capital management, organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise capital management, structure of enterprise capital management mechanismAbstract
The article highlights the main characteristics of equity capital, considers its constituent elements and sources of formation. It is noted that the effective operation of any economic entity directly depends on the quality management of the enterprise's capital. A specific definition of enterprise capital management is proposed and its main purpose and tasks are substantiated. Approaches to the formation of the organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise capital management have been improved. The application of functional and systemic approaches in the management process research made it possible to develop the structure of the capital management mechanism of the enterprise. Aafter researching the main elements of the management mechanism for the formation and use of the enterprise's capital, its model was developed. The capital management mechanism of the enterprise has been improved through the creation of formative and functional blocks, which makes it possible to comprehensively manage the capital of the enterprise and is based on the implementation of a step-by-step selection and use of methods, levers, management measures and the formation of an adequate structure of the management system. The implementation of the proposed approach is aimed at ensuring an increase in the efficiency of capital management of the business entity, which will allow maximizing profit and minimizing commercial risk.
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