transport and logistics system, Documenting, documented procedures, procedural approachAbstract
The formation and development of the distribution system at almost all production and sales enterprises and in trade and intermediary organizations belong to the category of strategic tasks that ensure the success of their progressive development in market conditions of functioning. To date, the number of scientific and special studies to study the distribution of products and services is sufficient. However, certain inconsistencies in the conceptual apparatus of the distribution system require an in-depth theoretical study. In particular, the elements of the logistics system, the process of their formation in the distribution system, and the issues of rational organization and management of sales at different levels of product distribution require more detail. The concept of the entire life cycle of the process is defined, and when comparing the latter's features with a one-time project, the need to allocate more time for the implementation of the planning stage is revealed. A review of the existing procedures made it possible to classify them according to the nature (content) of the functions performed, the degree of formalization, the degree of complexity, the nature of the combination in time, and the degree of repetition. The quality management system (QMS) is considered. It is determined that the QMS documentation following the ISO 9000 series standards contains the implementation of a specific list of mandatory procedures and a description of the logic of their interaction; at the same time, the regulatory standards are advisory and do not strictly limit the ways of carrying out the organization's activities, which allows the latter to develop the necessary system of documents depending on its parameters.
The similarity of the logic of constructing methods of modeling business processes and their application allows us to consider them as a single group of modeling tools and necessitates the creation of universal tools. The results of theoretical and methodological studies and methodical developments could contribute to developing a distribution system of final finished products produced by domestic manufacturers operating in conditions of fierce competition.
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