risk management, crisis conditions, anti-crisis strategic management system, agricultural enterprisesAbstract
The article examines the place of risk management in the system of anti-crisis strategic management of agricultural enterprises. The content of the main international risk management standards, which provide information on the successful construction of a risk management model in an organization or enterprise and the possibility of developing an effective risk management strategy, is analyzed. It has been established that there are certain discrepancies in international standards. However, despite differences in risk management objectives and methods, each standard emphasizes the importance of continuous risk monitoring and control. Risk management has been found to be important in many aspects of business, such as strategic and operational management, financial management, quality management, human resource management, project management, investment management, and innovation management. In addition, risk management is closely related to anti-crisis management and ensuring business continuity. It is emphasized that risk management in agricultural enterprises within the framework of anti-crisis strategic management is of significant importance due to such factors as: the presence of unstable factors in agriculture, high dependence on foreign markets, the influence of climate changes, etc. Concepts and standards of risk management cover the integration of various aspects of management, including management domains, hierarchical levels, processes and relationships. This system is an important component of effective business management, which allows you to respond to the complexity of the modern environment. In the process approach to risk management, it is considered as a set of interrelated, but conceptually separate processes with such stages as: determining risk awareness and taking into account its different cognitive perspectives; determination of the nature of the risk and the scale of threats; adequate assessment of identified risks; development of effective strategies for combating identified risk factors; monitoring the response to risks in order to develop plans for emergency situations and their prevention.
Keywords: risk management, crisis conditions, anti-crisis strategic management system, agricultural enterprises.
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