energy efficiency, energy, renewable energy sources, energy-efficient technologies, sustainable development, energy sustainability, greenhouse gases, natural resourcesAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the relevance of the problem of energy development, namely the expediency of using energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources (RES). Considering the growth of global energy consumption, the instability of the oil market and the threat of climate change, the search for new ways of obtaining energy becomes an extremely important task. The use of energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources can significantly contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving the environmental situation, and creating a sustainable energy system.
The advantages of using energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources, as well as normative acts on the Comprehensive State Energy Saving Program of Ukraine, are considered. It has been found that the implementation of these technologies can lead to significant economic benefits, including a reduction in energy costs and dependence on energy imports. The need to create stimulating mechanisms, such as tax benefits and priorities in the distribution of resources, which will contribute to the transition to energy-efficient and sustainable energy, is emphasized.
Overall, the paper demonstrates that the use of energy-efficient technologies and RES is a necessary step to ensure energy sustainability, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve environmental quality. The results of the study confirm that energy-efficient technologies and RES have great potential in the field of energy and can contribute to achieving energy efficiency and sustainable development. Given the growing need to conserve energy and reduce environmental impact, the paper highlights the importance of further research and implementation of energy-efficient technologies and RES to create an environmentally sustainable and efficient energy sector.
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