definition, specialization, commodity structure, development, agricultural productionAbstract
The article examines the essence, principles, and forms of development of agricultural production specialization. The interpretation of the category "specialization" about the production and commercial activity of agricultural enterprises is proposed by identifying it as a specific object of management, which characterizes the volume and structure of the production and sale of the enterprise's products, the proportion of the combination of industry directions, as well as the full realization of the economic potential. Classification of levels and forms of development of specialization of agricultural enterprises is proposed. It has been established that the proportions between livestock and crop production, between primary and secondary production, between material production and infrastructure, between the specified volumes of work in the production subsystem and the elements of the production potential, achieved in the specific conditions of the activity of a particular agricultural enterprise, make it possible to identify the level of its specialization. The challenges of the external environment determine the directions of changes in the specified proportions and, accordingly, shifts in the production structure. The main tasks on which the specialization of agricultural enterprises should be carried out are defined, among which: the production direction of the enterprise must correspond to the strategy, mission, and goals that the enterprise sets for itself; compliance of the production structure with the market conditions and previous final supply contracts; taking into account natural and climatic conditions to ensure the highest indicators of production productivity (crop yield, animal productivity); providing economic benefits, maximizing profit and reducing the level of entrepreneurial risk; compliance of the enterprise's production line with regional and national programs of economic development; ensuring environmental safety and rational nature management.
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