communication policy of the state, regulatory and legal acts of communication policy, principles, goals, tools of communication policy, information campaign, system of communication policy of the stateAbstract
The purpose of the research on the state's communicative policy in the context of strengthening social influence is an analysis of the effectiveness of communicative strategies and measures used by the state to interact with the public and create positive social influence; studying the impact on the public allows one to assess how government communication affects the public, its awareness and perception; detection of insufficiently transparent or unreliable practices of communication policy, which can help identify cases of misinformation, unreliable communication and contribute to the improvement of communication policy, increasing public trust in the actions of the state; forming recommendations on the use of new technologies and communication tools, improving transparency, ensuring access to information and increasing activity in interaction with the public and increasing its impact on society. The study analyses the main aspects that explain how the state's communicative policy shapes public opinion and affects the way the public perceives, understands and evaluates information about the state's actions, its policies and decisions: the use of information power means that the state controls the flow of information, affects perception and opinion of the public and other influential subjects about the awareness of social processes, providing a certain perspective and context; the state uses various communication strategies, such as emotional appeal, creation of a positive or negative image to make the public aware of events, ideology, values and beliefs; active use of the mass media and social networks by the state, establishment of relations with journalists, publication of press releases on websites as tools of communication with the public; the state tries to create an image of a democratic country, an innovative society that meets its political, economic and social goals and increases public trust and support; the state implements participatory management, involving the public in dialogue and consultations on issues of public influence, demonstrates openness and understanding of the needs and interests of the public to achieve common goals and development of society.
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