Exchange Trading, Artificial Intelligence, Segmentation of Exchange Trading, Commodity Segment of Exchange Trading, Stock Segment of Exchange TradingAbstract
The article is dedicated to the analysis of contemporary directions in exchange trading amidst changes in the global economic environment. Key trends influencing exchange activities are explored, including e-commerce, the utilization of blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies, the development of green financial instruments, and shifts in investor interests. The article examines the impact of these trends on both stock and commodity markets. It highlights the rising interest in green investments and environmental responsibility, creating new opportunities for the development of green financial instruments. The adoption of blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies in exchange operations is also discussed, enhancing efficiency and transparency. The piece encompasses an analysis of global and regional trends while offering insights into the future prospects of exchange trading. The growing interest in innovations and green investments signals a transition toward a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly financial market. The article aims to provide readers with a glimpse into contemporary trends in exchange trading and to shed light on the significance of adaptation to emerging challenges and opportunities presented by the modern financial market.
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