глобальна нестабільність, міжнародна безпека, міжнародні конфлікти, війни, міжнародні санкції, міжнародна допомога, міжнародний патронатAbstract
The article examines the latest challenges to the system of collective security associated with political instability and economic turbulence. Their key prerequisites, factors and features of a global nature are determined. The origins of international conflicts are shown, with an emphasis on armed conflicts that turn into wars according to the logic of their progression and the practice of response. Examples of the international reaction to the actions of the aggressor in the form of political and economic, sectoral and individual sanctions and multi-channel internationally consolidated and bilateral aid to the country suffering from the war are given. The role of international patronage in the system of measures and tools to help countries that have become objects of military aggression is shown. The essential features of international patronage are defined as the establishment of a voluntarily initiated regime of care for objects in force majeure circumstances to eliminate or neutralize internal and external threats to their existence and development. Its types (political, economic, financial, social), types (internal, external), objects (state, regions, cities, sectors, enterprises, infrastructure, projects), subjects (foreign countries, international organizations, corporations, public organizations, political parties, individuals) and forms (direct aid, grants, consulting, mass media support, lobbying, monitoring) are distinguished and identified. Using the example of Ukraine, projects of international political, economic and military patronage over cities and regions that have undergone significant destruction are illustrated.
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