mathematical dependence, efficiency criterion, enterprise, production activity, innovative measures, economic efficiency, evaluationAbstract
Based on the analysis of the impact of innovative measures and management decisions on the efficiency of production activities of organizations and enterprises, mathematical dependencies have been developed for the objective assessment of the effectiveness of innovative measures. It was established that the final result of innovative measures in the production sphere of the enterprise is proportional to the ensured increase in income from the introduction of innovations, but inversely proportional to the costs of the enterprise for the introduction of these innovations and their payback period.
A mathematical dependence of the assessment of the effectiveness of innovative solutions has been developed, which provides the ability to objectively compare certain innovations in the production activity of the enterprise. The final result of this is mathematically confirmed information about the objective product of the best of the proposed options for implementing innovations.
The created methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of innovative measures in the production activities of enterprises is proposed for the first time, which confirms the scientific novelty of the materials of this study and indicates the prospect of successful practical use of its recommendations and results.
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