



local self-government, European green course, , community


Despite the fact that hostilities are still ongoing, at the international, state and local levels, they are actively working on a plan to restore Ukraine in the post-war period. Considerable attention is paid to local self-government bodies, since they will actively work with international partners and are part of the post-war reconstruction model of our state. In accordance with modern challenges related to climate change and the international obligations that Ukraine undertook in the pre-war period, the country needs to follow the path of the European Green Deal and develop a "green" economy, which is the basis of the "green" model of post-war recovery.

The war can go on for a long time and recovery can take decades, because in Ukraine there is destruction worth hundreds of billions of dollars. At the same time, recovery based on transparent inclusive approaches and building sustainable institutions, including at the local level, is the most effective way to an effective society. There is certainly a place in the recovery process for territorial communities, because it is the local self-government that is closest to the people and understands their needs. It is at this level that the greatest result of changes is visible.

The article defines the essence of local self-government bodies, the principles of their activity, the importance of the decentralization reform. The key directions of the European Green Course, the need for the "green" reconstruction of the country and the formation of a "green" economy are indicated. The implementation of the planned indicators of the budgets of the communities affected during the military operations was analyzed. The key guidelines for the recovery of regions and communities have been studied. The importance of local self-government bodies in the "green" post-war reconstruction is described, since reconstruction projects will be localized by region and supported by individual international partners. Shortcomings in the field of local self-government and public administration as of the beginning of 2022 are indicated. A strategic vision is described that will help achieve greater autonomy and sustainability at the local level.


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