методи управління, enterprise cost management system, approaches to management, functional aspect, management methodsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of cost management at the enterprise in order to make effective management decisions. The relevance of the researched problem is determined by the emergence of new scientific concepts and ideas of society's development, as well as the need to improve existing management methods and their adaptation to the operating conditions of Ukrainian enterprises. In the conditions of a market economy, the main goal of an enterprise is to achieve maximum profit. All other goals are subordinate to this main task, since profit is the basis and source of financial resources for further development. Cost management is the means by which the company achieves a high economic result. The main approaches to the concept of "cost management" are presented, the main approaches to their management are defined. Enterprise cost management is a process of purposeful influence on the composition, structure and behavior of costs, as well as their accounting, planning, analysis and control in order to make a management decision regarding their optimization. The choice of the most suitable configuration of the elements of the cost management system at the same time contributes to the creation and provision of the optimal economic method of production and sale of products. The cost management system has functional and organizational aspects. It includes the following functional subsystems: search and identification of resource saving factors; rationing of resource costs; resource expenditure planning by their types; accounting and analysis of resource costs; stimulating savings and resources and reducing their consumption.
It is shown that a functional approach to the distribution of costs by types of activity will contribute to the solution of the mentioned problems. It will make it possible to introduce a new system of measurements and identify the most accurate indicators of the cost of manufactured products, based on measurement and distribution of costs taking into account the differentiated consumption of resources by production, which will allow determining the areas of responsibility of managers, as well as quickly solving problems of pricing, cost reduction based on the analysis of costs formed by types of activities, to model their behavior and, based on the data of total costs, to form financial estimates and, in general, to manage costs more effectively.
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