


insurance market, OECD, factor analysis, cluster analysis


The topicality of the topic is determined by the rapid globalization processes taking place in the financial sector in general and the insurance sector in particular. During the formation of the map of measures for the construction of the national insurance policy, it is necessary to consider the socio-economic level of the country's development and the influence of external factors. This work aims to develop a methodology for modeling the dynamics of the insurance market development in OECD countries. The object of the study is the process of modeling the growth of the insurance market of countries based on crucial insurance indicators. The research subject is mathematical methods and models for assessing the dynamics of developing the insurance market in OECD countries. Research methods. To study the tasks, general scientific and specific research methods were used: induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, comparison and logical generalization, tabular and graphical method, factor analysis, cluster analysis (hierarchical clustering method (Word method), and k- average. The work analyzed the essence of the processes of transformation of the insurance market of OECD countries under the influence of socio-economic and geopolitical factors; systematized existing approaches to modeling the dynamics of the development of the insurance market of OECD countries; formulated the tasks of modeling the dynamics of the growth of the insurance market in OECD countries; selected input data for the construction of the mathematical model for assessing the dynamics of the insurance market in OECD countries; the requirements for the model for determining the integral indicator of the development of the insurance market in the OECD countries and their clustering are described; the obtained results are analyzed, and the adequacy of the constructed mathematical model is checked; recommendations are developed based on the results of the calculations.


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