land resources, land use, efficiency, restoration, sustainable land use, resource management, rational land useAbstract
The paper substantiates the theoretical foundations of land resource management in the resource potential management system at the agrarian enterprise. The place, role and functional load of land resource management in the management of the resource potential at agrarian enterprises have been identified. It is substantiated that the basis of land resource management in the resource potential management system at the agrarian enterprise is rational land use. It is proposed to understand "land resources" as a set of agricultural lands available to a specific enterprise, taking into account the use of organizational-management and organizational-legal mechanisms of lease and acquisition of ownership rights to land plots used for agricultural production. It is singled out that the management of land resources at the level of individual agricultural enterprises should be understood as a systematic influence on the implementation of the processes of agricultural land use, land transformation, formation of crop rotations in crop production and agriculture, and land protection. It has been established that the non-renewable nature of land resources in the short term and spatial limitations determine their peculiarities as an object of management in the management of agricultural enterprises, because in order to increase production volumes, even with the application of intensive or innovation-intensive types of development of agricultural enterprises, sooner or later there is a need to expansion of land use areas due to the objectivity of the production concentration process, provided that the level of economic efficiency of the main activity of the subject of economic relations, which is appropriate for the expanded reproduction of advanced capital, is achieved.
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