


geospatial modeling, rating assessment, regional transport potential


In the current war conditions in Ukraine, to ensure the socio-economic development of each region and the whole, the maximum use of the transport potential is of great importance. The ability of domestic transport to provide transportation of goods and passengers across the country's territory and beyond is of particular importance. The collection and systematization of information regarding the potential opportunities of the transport system of Ukraine's regions are necessary for stabilizing the transportation system in emergency situations. When active hostilities are taking place on the territory of some regions, it is necessary to skillfully use the transport potential of other regions to meet the needs of the entire state. 

The article's purpose is to discuss the process of geospatial modeling and the formation of methodical approaches to the rating assessment of regional transport potential. 

The proposed methodical approaches are based on the determination of the transport potential of the region through all the possibilities of the given region, which cover various resources (material, human, investment), including natural and geographical, used for transportation, that is, for obtaining the results of the production of the transport system.

The rating assessment of the transport potential of the regions is carried out on the basis of the rating of the regions according to separate groups of indicators:

  • resource provision (material, human, and investment resources)
  • natural and geographical characteristics (area of the region, proximity to the capital of Ukraine, presence or absence of borders with neighboring states, and access to the sea)
  • production results (volume of sold products (goods, services) of transport system enterprises.

Separate groups of indicators in the rating assessment of the transport potential of the regions are proposed to be combined, taking into account their weighting factors, which are determined based on the distribution of the level of importance between the resulting indicators and resource provision in the field of functioning of the transport system of the region. The proposed methodical approaches and determined rating assessments of the transport potential of the regions of Ukraine make it possible to structure the resources of the national transport system by individual regions in the context of infrastructural support of the national production sphere.


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How to Cite

Irtyshcheva І., Stehnei М. ., Kramarenko І., Boyko Є., Nadtochii І., Sirenko І. ., Hryshyna Н., & Ishchenko О. . (2022). GEOSPATIAL MODELING AND RATING ASSESSMENT OF REGIONAL TRANSPORT POTENTIAL. MODELING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS, (4), 79–87.