functional strategy, key feature, content, ways of forming a strategy, responsible personsAbstract
Changes in the operating environment of enterprises necessitate changes in the structure of their activities, peculiarities of their functioning, search for ways, methods and means of forming competitive advantages and achieving their goals. Accordingly, the effective development of an enterprise depends on the efficiency of its individual functional components. It is the increase in the efficiency of each of the functional components separately and the formation of long-term competitive advantages of the enterprise through their balanced combination by choosing effective strategies for individual functional elements that is the basis for the stable strategic development of domestic enterprises. In such circumstances, strategy formation should start from the lower levels, i.e., based on the visions of the direct executors of certain strategic measures and those who have specific data on the existing types of enterprise potential. Thus, functional levels of management at an enterprise and, accordingly, functional strategies become key. The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of the concept of functional strategy of an enterprise in accordance with the peculiarities of functioning of modern enterprises. To achieve this goal, the research in the article is carried out using the following methods: generalization, abstract and logical, induction, deduction, systematization, and formalization. The essence of the interpretations of the concept of "functional strategy" available in the scientific literature is studied. The peculiarities of the groups of the presented interpretations are allocated and characterized according to the classification feature of the content of their essence. The peculiarities of formation of strategies of modern enterprises are substantiated, which contributed to the specification of the role of functional strategies in their long-term competitive development. The content of the concept of "functional strategy" is clarified.
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