risks, organizational and economic security, management system, social security, tools, mechanismsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the composition of the toolkit for ensuring the organizational and economic security of agricultural entities and the order of its application in the management of functioning and development. It was determined that the state of organizational and economic security of agricultural enterprises should be considered as their state, in which there are opportunities to prevent or protect against the negative impact of external and internal destabilizing factors, as well as sustainable development, in which the following play a basic role: 1) fundamental production economic basis; 2) institutions of human rights and freedoms, social interests of the individual and provision of social standards and guarantees of employees. It is substantiated that an integral part of the management of organizational and economic security of agrarian enterprises is the tools and mechanisms of its provision at the intra-economic level, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of the system of means of influence of the state (in the form of legislative and executive authorities) on agribusiness. It was established that the instruments of direct influence, which are based on the direct intervention of the state in economic processes and economic activity of agribusiness subjects. The essence and procedure for evaluating the effectiveness of tools of direct influence on the organizational and economic security of agricultural entities and the effectiveness of their implementation in the management of functioning and development are proposed. It was determined that the tools of indirect influence on the organizational and economic security of agricultural enterprises are based on the formation of a favorable economic environment that actualizes the activities of agribusiness subjects in the direction necessary to strengthen their organizational and economic security.
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