The article is devoted to the definition and analysis of the digital transformation of business. Currently, digitization is a priority focus of the development of any company's activities, which are logically implemented starting from individual business processes to building a business model based on comprehensive digital transformation. Digitization of business processes and enterprises is currently an objective necessity, which serves as a platform for increasing its competitiveness in the market. The formation of a digital business culture is the foundation of its future functioning and growth. If previously it was enough to form the basis of competitive advantages within the limits of quality, price or level of service, today in order to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage of a business, it is necessary to comprehensively implement innovations and digital technologies at all levels of activity. The article defines and structures the sequence of business digitization levels with a description of their key characteristics. The prerequisites of digital transformation are given, further prospects and possible problematic aspects are defined.
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Prophet. A digitally-powered, creatively-inspired consultancy. URL: (data zvernennia: 27 lystopada 2022 roku).
Profitbase. Turn risk into opportunities. URL: (data zvernennia: 27 lystopada 2022 roku).